We extend our sympathy to the family of Beth Shelton (former Walnut Street member) who passed away yesterday.  Visitation will be held today from 5-7 PM and tomorrow from 12 until the time of the funeral at 1 PM at Taylor Funeral Home.

 We extend our sympathy to David Porter and family in the loss of his wife Anita Porter, who passed away Saturday evening. Funeral services were held Tuesday at Dickson Funeral Home.

Prayers are requested for:

Horizon Medical Center: Margaret Fielder (room 151; recovering from a fall); Barbara Wellons (room 146, recovering from surgery)

Select Specialty Hospital: Sean Moore (room 2512)

Other Announcements:

Walnut Street’s annual Heart-Felt food event will be held Sunday, November 15.  Grocery lists and boxes are available at the Information Booth if you would like to box your own food.  If you choose to box groceries yourself, please be sure to mark through UPC codes on all of the items.

Volunteer sign-up sheets for the annual Thanksgiving Outreach Meal are available at the Information Booth, and will be in adult classes this Sunday.

The Men’s Ministry is hosting at Campout on Friday, November 6.  The location will be 6565 Turkey Creek Road in Waverly, TN.  This event will be moved indoors if there is rain.  Contact Joseph Brown or Ken Southerland for more information.

If you have borrowed any tables and chairs, please return them to the building. We have several upcoming events and they will be needed.

The Young Adult Group will have a “Friday the 13th” bonfire at the home of Paul & Belinda Cummings (Friday, 11/13) at 6 PM.

 Going Deeper Bible reading for today: Matthew 23; Luke 20-21

 Today’s Birthdays: Corinne Brown, Regina Cathey, Hannah Denton, Joe Hall Jr., Vonette Smith, Preston Thompson, Ethan Street, Linda Menefee

Today’s Anniversaries: None

Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them.  For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”  Luke 21:1-4