CareLine for Monday, January 11

Prayers have been requested for:
• Wayne Heflin, who is recovering from kidney stent surgery
• Clay Young, who remains in Horizon with covid and pneumonia
• Sean Moore, who remains in Horizon with covid and pneumonia
• Tommy Davidson, who is recovering from pacemaker surgery
• Kimberly Fowlkes, who is experiencing heart issues; has an upcoming appointment with a cardiologist

Other Announcements:

Join us for a Gift Card Shower honoring Allen & Grace Corlew. A box will be available in the Gathering Room on Sunday, January 17 and Sunday, January 24. You may also drop off gift cards at the church office during the week. Allen and Grace have requested cards from Walmart and Bed, Bath and Beyond.

Our food pantry is in need of the following items: crackers, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, peanut butter, canned chili (pop top if possible).

Recently, some of our members have requested information on what they need to do to get the COVID vaccine. There is no requirement to take the Covid-19 vaccination. You and your personal physician should decide if it is best for you. The vaccination hotline can be reached at 866-442-5301. (follow the prompts) They can help you understand the process for receiving the vaccine if that is what you choose to do.

January’s items for the Golden Deeds Ministry are dish soap/laundry detergent. These items will be provided to each of our mission house residents when they move in. There is a collection bin in the Gathering Room.

2020 has been a challenging year! Have you struggled with fear, or know someone who has? What is the biblical basis of integrating fear into our faith? On Tuesdays at 7pm, Steve Moore will be hosting a Zoom class on “Faith, Fear, and Risk.” This will be a participatory study with Bible reading assignments. If interested, e-mail and put “I’m in” in the subject line; you will receive a link to the study in the next day or so.

During these days, many of our people are relying on technology, some more than usual. If you need tech support with your tablet, smartphone, laptop, or smart-TV, please email us your question at: We will do our best to respond personally to your question and help offer support in some way.

Reading for today: 5 And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. 6 And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. Acts 2:5-6 (My Life in Him Devotional Book page 8)

Today’s Birthdays: Liam Spencer
Today’s Anniversaries: None