We extend our sympathy to Brandon King and family in the loss of his wife, Tanya King, who passed away Monday evening. Funeral arrangements will be handled by the Ronk Funeral Home in Alamo, TN.

Horizon Medical Center: Virginia Petty (room #133)

Prayers are requested for:

Other Announcements:

Young Adult/College Devotional – Sunday, June 7th, at the home of Joey & Lisa Holley.

FHU Associates will meet this evening (Tuesday, June 2) at 7 PM at Walnut Street.

Make plans to attend the Wednesday Express Meal on June 10th. The menu is fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls.

Bible Bowl preparation is about to begin for 2015! As we do each year, 1st-6th grades will be studying the selected text (1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon) in their Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes beginning on June 7. More Bible Bowl information will be provided in Sunday’s Edifier.

The Young Men’s Leadership Camp and Young Ladies’ Spiritual Growth Camps have begun! Adult Bible classes will provide the evening meals at 5:45 pm.

Tuesday – Rooms 406, 410, 103 and auditorium class

Wednesday – College age, Loft and Chapel


Keynote Speakers this week – everyone is invited!

7 pm Tuesday: Steve Kirby – “The Unhappy/Happy Boy”

7 pm Wednesday: Leadership Camp Men

Going Deeper Bible reading for today: Song of Solomon 1-8

Today’s Birthdays:  Brenda Nash, Terry Weaver, Pat Manley, Roger Chester, Bennett Ragan

Today’s Anniversaries:  Larry & Shirley Dover