We extend our sympathy to Jimmy Cagle and family in the loss of his father, Clarence Cagle.  Funeral services were held Tuesday in Big Sandy, TN.

Prayers are requested for:

Horizon Medical Center: Sophia Anderson (room 110, pneumonia)

The Meadows: Ray Crouch; 8044 Coley Davis Road, Bellevue, TN 37221

NHC: please see long-term prayer list

VA Medical Center Murfreesboro: Sean Moore (3400 Lebanon Pike, Building 1, room #328, floor 1B, Murfreesboro, TN 37129)

Other Announcements:

 Plan now to invite a friend or coworker to “Food for Thought” on Tuesday, April 12.  It’s a 40-minute lunch with an inspirational message (5-10 minutes).  The first week is free with an email address.  RSVP by this Friday morning, April 8.

Walnut Street’s Christian Child Care Center is taking applications for part-time assistant positions and substitutes. There is a possibility for full-time hours as well. Please call Allyson Harmon at (615) 306-3175 for more information.

Please turn in your senior picture to the church office by April 24th. Please email them to Lesa.wscoc@comcast.net.

There will be a graduation reception planning meeting on Sunday, April 17 at 5 PM in room 410.

Walnut Street’s day at the Cancer Auction is next Thursday, April 14.  Walnut Street is the only organization on the calendar for that day, so please make a special effort to bring your item(s) for the auction.

Senior Ministry Event: Mark your calendars for a trip to the Country & Western Steakhouse in Camden on Friday, April 22.  The bus will leave Walnut Street at 4 PM. Sign up in the Gathering Room.

Ladies, there is a sign-up sheet in the Gathering Room for the upcoming Spring Ladies’ Fellowship.  Don’t miss it!

One of our members is in need of a lawn mower.  If you have one that you are able to donate, please call the church office.

Walking Through the Word: John 2

 Today’s Birthdays: Bobby Petty, Patti Garton, Bunnie Cherry, Morgan Smith, Kira Moore

Today’s Anniversaries: Karl & Valerie Littleton

Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing.  But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people  and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man.  John 2:23-25