We extend our sympathy to Sherry Gulledge in the loss of her father, William Hardee, who passed away Monday. Funeral Services were held yesterday at the Garner Funeral Home in Ripley, TN.

We extend our sympathy to the family of Edith Hamilton, (former member at White Bluff, friend of Perkins family) who passed away recently.

We extend our sympathy to Brenda Hicks (sister-in-law of Will Hicks) in the loss of her mother, Mary Kelley, who passed away on May 24

Prayers are requested for:

Other Announcements:

Donations are needed to help feed our Habitat for Humanity building crew this Saturday. Anyone interested can give donations to Jan Street, Nancy Gordon, Joe Deweese, or Lynwood Smith.

 FHU Associates will be having their summer rummage and bake sale on Saturday, June 6th, from 8 am until 3 pm at the FHU Renaissance Center.  This event will go to benefit scholarships for FHU Dickson.

Bible Bowl preparation is about to begin for 2015! As we do each year, 1st-6th grades will be studying the selected text (1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon) in their Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes beginning on June 7. More Bible Bowl information will be provided in Sunday’s Edifier.

The Young Men’s Leadership Camp and Young Ladies’ Spiritual Growth Camps begin this Sunday. Adult Bible classes will provide the evening meals at 5:45 pm.

Monday – Rooms 201, 412 and 8 AM class

Tuesday – Rooms 406, 410, 103 and auditorium class

Wednesday – College age, Loft and Chapel

5th Sunday Speakers

9 PM                Bud Lambert

Bible Class       Bud Lambert (6th-adults)

6 PM                Wayne Miller (West End Church of Christ, Knoxville, TN)

Going Deeper Bible reading for today: 1 Kings 1-2; Psalms 37; 71; 94

 Today’s Birthdays:  Richard Jones, Sunnye McKeel, James Hagewood, Laura Reid, Riley Davidson

Today’s Anniversaries: Bobby & Regina Cathey

Saturday’s Birthdays: Geneva Berryman, Danny Bishop, Gage Terry, Kaitlyn Chester

Saturday’s Anniversaries: None

Sunday’s Birthdays: Dell George, Justin Lamb

Sunday’s Anniversaries: Dennis & Janet Bass, Joe & Liz Deweese

“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.  Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret—it only causes harm.”    Psalm 37: 7-8